Our firm
We work as a collective of architects, engineers, project managers and consultants, specializing in helping foreign governments and international agencies to design and construct their diplomatic representations and headquarters in Brazil.
Founded in 2002 by architect Gustavo Costa, Atria is recognized for its activity in architecture, urban planning, engineering, construction management, design and strategic thinking. At the core of our work there is a profound commitment to strive for innovative design solutions, consistent to artistic thinking, aligned with the concepts of environmental preservation and based on a production methodology that is multidisciplinary. We believe working in this manner enables ambitious project solutions, while still allowing us to offer the necessary skills and tools to guarantee our clients the best cost-benefit scenarios.
Kuwait Embassy Complex, Brasilia learn more→
Lake Paranorá Water Front, Brasilia, Brazil learn more→
We maintain strong partnerships with international architecture and engineering companies aiming to develop projects throughout the country.
Our multidisciplinary and multilingual team has collaborated with international clients such as the governments of India, Kuwait, Israel, Angola and the United States of America. Working in this context, Atria has developed strategical skills and high quality standards allowing our team to construct win-win partnerships with foreign architectural and engineering practices seeking support in Brazil.
By bringing together, planning, architecture, engineering and a growing list of specialisms, our philosophy of Full Service has been at the base of our work to deliver Business to Business (B2B) solutions.
Lake Paranorá Water Front, Brasilia, Brazil learn more→
Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Research Base, Keller Peninsula, Antarctica learn more→
Atria has won and been awarded in national and international architecture contests such as the Embassy of Kuwait in Brasília and The Maharastra Nature Park in Mumbai, India.
Mane Garrincha Sports Arena BSB learn more→
Honorable Mention, Arena BSB and Governo Distrito Federal GDF, 2019
Lake Paranoá Orla Livre learn more→
Honorable Mention, Environmental and Sustainability category, Governo Distrito Federal GDF and IAB/DF, 2018
Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai learn more→
Finalist, Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority MMRDA, 2017
BLM Villa - TOP 100 learn more→
Special Mention, Constructed Building Category, Archdailly TOP 100 Buildings, 2016
Brasil Pavillion EXPO Milano 2015 learn more→
Finalist, 2nd Prize, Architecture Contest, APEX and IAB/DF, 2015
BLM Villa learn more→
Winner, Projects category, New Architecture in Brasilia NAB, IAB/DF, 2015
Kuwait Embassy in Brasilia learn more→
Finalist, 2nd Prize, Projects Category, New Architecture in Brasilia NAB, IAB/DF, 2015
Brazilian Research Base in Antarctica learn more→
Finalist, 3rd Prize, Architecture Contest, Brazilian Navy and IAB-DF, 2013
Kuwait Embassy in Brasilia learn more→
Winner, Architecture Contest, Kuwait Ministry of Foreing Affairs MOFA, 2012
Tensegrity Center Table
Silver Medal, Furniture Catefory, Premio IDEA Design Awards, 2012
Piracicaba’s Republic Memorial learn more→
Honorable Mention, Archiecture Contest, Piracicaba City Hall, 2008
IVO House learn more→
Winner, Dwell Category, Brasilia Architecture Bienalle, 2006
Professional Award
Recognition for Arch. Gustavo Costa, Outstanding Architect Category, IAB/DF, 2005