

We believe that relationships built on trust are key to our success.

We estimate our leaders to make decentralized decisions that best address specific needs, while still reflecting our values:

> Respect
> Integrity
> Ethics
> Humility
> Gender equality
> Making a difference
> Service


Gustavo Costa


Gustavo Costa

Born in Brasília, he graduated with a degree in architecture from the University of Brasília in 1999. He completed a Masters Degree – Business Strategies in 2004 from FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas. In 2006 Gustavo was awarded with the title “outstanding professional” from the Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil – IAB/DF. Over the course of 2008/2009, he occupied the vice presidency of Brazilian Institute of Architects at Brasília -IAB-DF. In 2014, he was certified as a project manager with a PRINCE 2 – Level Practioner certification. In 2016 was certified by the training program for generation of clean energy in Latin America by UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization. As a young architect he collaborated with the Italian architect Renzo Piano in the RPBW office in Paris, where he worked on the projects for the headquarters of Italian editorial house Il Sole 24 Ore (Milan), The Shard skyscraper (London), and the AquaPark tourist complex (Moscow).

> Master in Business Administration and Project Managment – MBA
> Accredited Project Manager – Prince 2 Level Foundation & Practcioner
> Leed AP (in progress)
> Accredited on the project of clean energy generation UNIDO – UNESCO
> Architect at Renzo Piano Building Workshop – RPBW / Paris

Larissa Sudbrack


Larissa Sudbrack

Born in Porto Alegre, she graduated with a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of Brasília in 2011. Her masters degree is in the field of Technology, Environment, and Sustainability from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, at the University of Brasília. She has a Masters in Business Administration, focusing on Sustainable Constructions and Environmental Certification from the Universidade Cidade São Paulo – UNICID. In 2008 she worked at the Oscar Niemeyer Planning Center in Brasília. In 2010 she collaborated with the Italian architect Renzo Piano at the RPBW office in Genova, helping to develop projects including the Jardins Braço de Prata in Lisbon and Sesto San Gionvanni in Milan. She started her collaboration with ATRIA as an intern architect in 2007, and became an associate in 2011. She is is currently responsible for project management and coordination at ATRIA, as well as for the processes controls that guarantee the environmental comfort of buildings and sustainable practices in general.

> Master in Technology, Environment, Sustainability - University of Brasilia – UnB
> Master in Sustainable Buildings at Universidade Cidade de São Paulo – UNICID
> Leed AP (in progress)
> Collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop – RPBW / Genova