Business to Business
We help our clients realise their strategic ambitions through architecture and design, closing the gap between what their brand promises and the value and experiences consumed by their customers and staff.
Monumenta is a dynamic and contemporary marketing agency that challenged our team to create a multiple space of coexistence and decompression.
Giacometti +
Our team has developed a collaborative project with Giacometti creative team. We have unified our architecture and construction skills and their graphic and propaganda qualities to deliver a space full of caracter.
The Secretariat of Humand Rights in Brazil - SEDH, is a nine thousand square meters office divided in three individual floors. The internal spaces offer functionality and high quality design solutions.
Tauil & Chequer, Mayer Brown
TC’s headquarters support a lively dialogue between the law firm activities and a boutique space, strategically located to connect clients and stakeholders.
In alignment with ambitious aesthetics standards we have developed to Visuplac a full range of services; from their new headquarters design to the development of several propaganda instruments and urban public furniture.
The Campus Taguatinga of the Elementary School IDEAL offers social spaces and experiences that enhance academic life for today’s teenager students.
Our graphic design team developed a full range of branch elements for the business school GI&P and its subsidiaries businesses unifying architecture and signaling.
BETTIOL Auditorium
Bettiol’s Auditorium has the ability to bring people together across the boundaries of the law firm’s legal day-to-day activities.
Graphic design experience for cosmetic propaganda displays offer Enjoy a full range of connection opportunities with their users.
The geotechnical specialists Hgeo and Intergeo requested our graphic design team to develop a visual solution to reflect their joint venture.
The lawyers professional Council in Brasilia requested our team to develop an expansible modular pre fabricated solution for its six subsection buildings.