
Technical Consulting


We gather multidisciplinary knowledge to create special spaces for people. 

Our team’s main role is to plan creative and innovative building design solutions. This often involves not only designing but also master planning and project management. Our consultants are specialists managing land and building projects for private developers; others focus in specific building types and multidisciplinary fields. 

> Construction Contract Administration



> MAterials’ performance

> construction handover

> post use, facility and asset MANAGEMENT


Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation. Library and main headquarters building. Learn more →




Construction Contract Administration - CCA

Our Construction Contract Administration practices involve helping to manage the design, contract agreement and its construction process of any development project with proper control.  Our main goal will be to grant our clients that any project end up within the stipulated budget and time frame. Our team provided these services to the KUWAIT EMBASSY IN BRASILIA. We are specialized to deal with progress claims, variations to the contract, claims including extension of time and other technical/legal matters. Contract administrators, quantity surveyors and field engineers are mainly involved in the process in different roles and responsibilities.


Budget Management

We believe that effective budget management not only contributes to better cash management, but also helps control financial results, increase financial clout and performance measurement. This means our clients can be safer. Of course, delivering projects on time, on budget and to brief is vital, but we try to go further by using a dynamic and flexible approach to project planing and consequently to budget control, as we did to the ISRAELI EMBASSY IN BRASILIA during the renovation of their Diplomatic Complex.


Energy Efficiency Certification

Our service offerings and expertise in energy efficiency can be applied to our projects across a varied range of clients. Architecture and engineering designer work closely with energy specialist and consultants, responding to our clients and partners demands. We can give support to LEED certifying and also the Brazilian certification seal PROCEL.


Materials’ Performance

Specifying the right material to the right use is key to construction quality. We base our work in Brazilian Regulation ABNT NBR 15575, called Performance Standard, which establishes a minimum performance level of a building for its main elements, including structural systems, roofing systems and internal and external vertical fence. This technical standard presents the concept of useful life of the project, defines responsibilities, besides imposing criteria for the structure, floors, fences, covers, water and sewage infrastructure.


Handover Procedures

Final construction stage starts with the building being handed over to the client, with Aftercare initiated and the Building Contract concluded. After the building has been handed over, our managment team works to make sure contractors will rectify any residual defects as promptly as possible. We follow all procedures related to issuance of Practical Completion, and Final Certificate, which concludes the contractual involvement of the design and construction teams.


Post use, Facility and Assset Managment

Our experts will work consistently to produce a Post Occupancy Evaluation, conducted once any seasonal Commissioning has been completed. We act in this way to help our clients understand how the building is performing and whether the building and its systems are being used as planned. Some client teams will continue to be closely involved during the life of a building, implementing Facilities Management or Asset Management strategies over the course of the building’s lifetime. Asset Information, the Building Manual and these strategies may be updated on a regular basis, as it will optimise the operation and maintenance of the building and help compare predicted performance with actual performance.

